Monday, November 16, 2009

The David Scott Wellness & Pleasure Lodge

We are thrilled to announce a spectacular New Years Eve gala celebrating the opening of The David Scott Wellness & Pleasure Lodge at beautifuliving.

Two years in the making, this 16,000 square foot facility will serve as an inspiring space where adult residents & their guests will relax & enjoy everything from stimulating conversation under a canopy of shooting stars to deeply fulfilling physical experiences in one of many private & group sanctuaries.

Begin your adventure in our fantasy themed, nano-enhanced, mineral baths followed by an invigorating nectar massage & stimulation of the pleasure centers. Themes range from Roman-styled enclaves to Mountain Chalet-styled retreats to leading-edge modernist visions, complete with virtual-transport pods for captivating adventures to the fringes of the galaxy or the inner reaches of the silent void.

Let the sense of touch be your only guide in our lightless & soundproof isolation sanctum's, replete with nanoSoft™ fabrics (our tantalizing, fur-like material that is truly alive with countless massaging nano-fibers). There's always room for two!

And, throughout the Lodge, beautiful bio-flora provide an enchanting & aromatic backdrop to an environment where engineered fauna freely roam & interact with guests.

Pleasures of the palette have not been overlooked, either, with an abundance of fresh fruits, exquisitely healthy culinary delights, & invigorating potions always available to our lodge guests.

Whether exploring for yourself or under the masterful guidance of our beautifulFeeling™ therapists, you'll find that pleasure comes in many forms at The David Scott Wellness & Pleasure Lodge at beautifuliving.

Share. Rejuvenate. Play. See you at The Lodge!

Friday, November 13, 2009

BeAnywhere™ Bio-Enhancement

beautifuliving residents traveling to the most remote locations on the planet will now enjoy the same monitoring of their bio-enhancements that they do while at home.

Our elBeam satellite technology [See Post] now tracks residents by communicating with their personal implant device*, allowing enhancement monitoring and harmonizing from anywhere in the world.

Whether you're watching Narwal on the Baffin Sea, enjoying the Aurora Australis in Antarctica, or visiting friends in Calgary, beautifulScience is with you ensuring your wellness & happiness. So, BeAnywhere with the knowledge that those 7-Sins will always be perfectly balanced!

*Residents are optionally equipped with an implant device [pictured above] for constant, personalized monitoring & harmonizing of all biological & neurological systems.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Garden of Happiness Celebration

On Sunday, beautifuliving residents gathered to celebrate the opening of The Garden of Happiness, formerly known as Founders Park.

The centerpiece is the NewEdenTree, a mammoth wonder that will not only provide delicious fruit year-round (appleDelight*), but it will serve as a symbol of NewNature** for all.

Residents can now pick fresh, nutritionally advanced apples right off the branch & the fruit will grow back in just a few short hours. And, in the evenings, residents will gather beneath the tree's gentle glow (created by our luciferin derivative pulsing through the vascular tissue of each leaf. This is similar to what makes our fireflies glow in multitudes of color). Remarkable!

Best of all, you won't be cast out of this garden after you take a bite from our apples. Thank you beautifulScience!

* To learn more about appleDelight, see our April 8th, 2007 post.

** NewNature is the term we use to represent our continuing goal of overcoming our genetic & environmental inheritance.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fish Without a Face

Delicious looking Salmon, yes? You're right, it is delicious. Most remarkably, it's from a faceless fish! It's also healthier, safer, less polluting, and produced more humanely than conventional fish. After years of untiring development, beautifulScience has achieved the goal of growing fish meat from cultured cells! Essentially, particular cell samples are extracted from a conventional fish & then proliferated in a nutrient-rich medium in the laboratory. In-vitro fish meat!

With this control over the growth process, inedible animal structures (bones, respiratory system, digestive system, skin/scales, eyes, mouth, and the nervous system) are not grown. As a result, cultured fish production is more efficient in its use of energy, land, and water; and it produces less waste. Also, animals are not subjected to the stressful conditions of traditional fish-farms & large-net fishing operations.

Resident Bioethicist, Kapa W. Azzurro, remarked, "This is an amazing breakthrough with numerous positive implications for the environment, human nutrition, and the ethical treatment of animals." What's next? "We're very close to producing nutritionally advanced meat products from the cells of land animals. Imagine, deliciously juicy steaks made from face-less cows!", she added.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Evolutionary Unification : More Than a Social Problem.

Many of the genetically programmed behavioral tendencies which served us well when we roamed the African Savannah 100,000 years ago are not all well suited for life in our modern, urbanized world; The desire to identify with a group and hate other groups; unquestioning conformity; aggression; selfishness.

The results of these programmed behaviors are all too familiar; fanatical nationalism, violence, intolerance, perpetual war, the habitual splitting of governments into opposing factions, and the toll of psychological stress on the individual.

"The environmental and genetic methodologies we are researching may offer solutions to these problems," said Dr. T. Scanlon, the Director of the "Social Evolution Initiative" at beautifuliving. "Essentially, these behaviors slow our personal evolution, cause great pain & turmoil in the world-at-large, and impede the pace of our advancement as a species."

As the biologist and Angelican priest Arthur Peacocke observed, "The biological evolution of man has now been superseded by [his] psycho-social development." The solutions to these problems are not simply genetic but they are not wholly social either. What is clear, though, is that as a species we keep repeating our mistakes & it is time for us to intervene & move forward on our future paths both as individuals & as a community.

Monday, June 22, 2009

beautifulBabies™: Artificial Cells Initiative

Imagine choosing your child's tendency toward Gluttony. Or, Pride. Or, Greed. Or, some other appealing personality trait. Amazing, yes?

While we have made exciting progress in allowing parents to choose existing hereditary traits for their children, we are now embarking on an even more exciting course.

In our latest initiative, we hope to implant artificially created cells that determine new characteristics into pre-embryonic stem-cells. This will allow the same precise** control that many of our adult residents now enjoy (See the May 20, 2007 Post)..

At present, our manipulation of the genome affects only the particular individual; the characteristics do not get passed on to the offspring (Somatic Gene Therapy). By working at the pre-embryonic stage (Germline Choice Technologies (GCT)) the characteristics do get passed on to all following generations.

However, and this is the truly amazing part, because we believe in the freedom to make choices about our own individual character, these artificial cells will also carry a mechanism allowing many of the traits to be adjusted, or nullified, at any time during an individuals' life (for you geneticists our there, the process is inspired by Mario Capecchi's work with CRE Recombinase). Amazing, yes?

Further, in the spirit of avoiding behavioral & genomic uniformity within the community, this mechanism will be self-monitoring: it will not allow an adjustment, or drift, into morally undesirable or behaviorally homogeneous territory. Imagine!

beautifulBabies™: beautiful on the outside, beautiful on the inside.

** While physical traits can be precisely determined, genetic dispositions for personality and character depend greatly on the environment in which the child is nurtured.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

elBeam™: Beaming Energy Wirelessly

The dream of wirelessly beaming electricity through the air is coming true at beautifuliving™! David Scott, our founder, is seen here inspecting a solar paneled, electron-beaming prototype of the elBeam™, which has a range of .8 Kilometers (1/2 mile).

"Our goal is to achieve distances great enough to link to our SolarWinds satellite (See the July 14, 2008 Post)," says project leader, Dr. Scanlon. "When this is accomplished, electrons captured by the SolarWinds™ panels in space-orbit will be beamed down to our elBeam here on earth for wireless distribution."

David Scott shared in the enthusiasm, adding, "The elBeamis a very exciting breakthrough that will also pave the way for multitudes of new lifestyle-enhancing amenities, including more robust intercommunication with residents' personal bio-enhancements."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Grass

Our founder, David Scott, takes a hands-on look at a specimen from one of many exciting beautifulScience projects: EmotivMagic™ Flora. Still in development, these plants will form the basis of a new line of bio-botanical wonders with a very interesting attribute: The physical expression of feelings!

Imagine a field of grass that twists and turns and sways in fantastical patterns and colors! All by its own collective will. And, all because it feels good.

EmotivMagic™ Flora is being developed using upgraded techniques to those which brought us ColorMagic™ Grass, introduced at beautifuliving™ in 2004. Utilizing an exciting new nanoconvergence approach (biotechnology merged with nanotechnology) adds the freedom of motion, which will really bring the hills alive!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Opening Words from David Scott

In his opening address at the "7 Away Celebration", David Scott praised the work of beautifulscience™ as well as inspiring the gathering of residents and visitors. The following is a portion of his remarks.

"Today, we are celebrating the daring, courageous, and imaginative efforts of beautifulscience™. We praise their unending efforts in the fields of biotechnology, nanoscience, neuroscience, and community.

For some of us, this means having the ability to shed specific aspects of our personalities to become the person we always wanted to be. For others, it means that a marriage once lost to despair has been given new, exciting life. Or, it means that parents now have the ability to select which aspects of themselves get passed on to their children, along with the opportunity to add new characteristics."

"We do not destroy the human spirit in our quest to become more than what we are; No, we free that spirit in ways equal to and beyond the most beautiful™ dreams any human has ever dreamed. We call this dream, beautifuliving™."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"7 Away" Celebrations

Join us in Founders Park to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of our discovery and control of the "7 Deadly [Curable] Sins". The activities kick off today at 6PM with an address from our founder followed by 7 days and nights of carnivals, new telepresence experiences and other fun, family activities.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SeaMills: Phase I Completed

Outer space is not the only unique resource we're utilizing for our lifestyle needs. The newly completed "SeaMills" windmill farm, seen here from the beautifuliving™ shoreline on the Sea of Cortez, will greatly improve the sustainability of our ever-growing community for years to come. Thank you beautifulScience™!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Puppy for Life!

Cute puppy, yes? Meet Poncee, our little miracle pup who is celebrating his 3rd birthday today and is exactly as playful and tiny as he was at 5-weeks old.

Using advanced techniques, including a ground-breaking combination of somatic-cell nuclear transfer and germ-line genetic therapies, Poncee has remained the same, physiologically and biologically, since his 5th week.

And, we expect Poncee to live well beyond the normal life-span of genetically-traditional sheepdogs, remaining a virtually unchanged and energetic pup for the next three decades.

Now, at beautifuliving™, puppies really are "for life"!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama: Happiness™ and Biotechnology For All!

In his Inaugural address, the new U.S. President Barack Obama encouraged our hope of bringing the scientific advances of beautifuliving™ to the U.S.!

With "The promise... that all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness", Mr. Obama clearly implies an endorsement for the beautifuliving™ mission of scientifically-aided happiness™. He added, "We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology's wonders... We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil...a new age."

Will this lead to the U.S. carrying on into the future of biomedical, pharmaceutical and genetic manipulation development? Will stem cell research thrive? Will genetically modified plants, fruits and vegetables finally flourish? And, will the discoveries at beautifulScience™, such as the control and manipulation of the Seven Deadly Sins, be welcomed in the U.S.?

+ UPDATE: March 9
Obama signs an executive order allowing federal funding for embryonic stem cell research (on the existing stem cell line only), declaring, "will vigorously support scientists who pursue this research," and, "Medical miracles do not happen simply by accident."