Monday, March 23, 2009

Puppy for Life!

Cute puppy, yes? Meet Poncee, our little miracle pup who is celebrating his 3rd birthday today and is exactly as playful and tiny as he was at 5-weeks old.

Using advanced techniques, including a ground-breaking combination of somatic-cell nuclear transfer and germ-line genetic therapies, Poncee has remained the same, physiologically and biologically, since his 5th week.

And, we expect Poncee to live well beyond the normal life-span of genetically-traditional sheepdogs, remaining a virtually unchanged and energetic pup for the next three decades.

Now, at beautifuliving™, puppies really are "for life"!


  1. This is beyond horrific. I hope that, if true, this ends with the first Frankenstein's pet.

  2. sure sounds better than feeding whiskey to my pups to keep 'em baby cute !

    a question for mr scott:
    do you intend to adapt this technology for use in humans, and if so, when ?

  3. Life extension is more complex in humans and while we are diligently at work on it, we are making the most progress in the all-important area of life enhancement.
