Saturday, April 14, 2007

bioTiles™: Nanofibre Flooring Upgrade

beautifulScience announces an exciting technology upgrade for the home: non-staining, energy renewing bioTiles. Offered as a flooring material, liquid spills as well as dirt and food particles are absorbed into the nonofibres and instantly converted to energy for the home.

While non-staining materials have been a standard feature in beautifuliving homes, this stunning development adds the dimension of self-maintainability and recyclability. Essentially, the nanofibres (pictured) in the floor "munch" spills and other matter and then recycle the molecules for new uses.

As with our previous flooring technology, bioTile flooring colors and textures are resident adjustable. So, once installed the only difference you'll notice is the increased satisfaction of knowing that your home is working ever more efficiently for you and the community.


  1. eco-friendly, self cleaning floors !
    are bio-tiles suitable for outdoor use ?

  2. Thank you for the question: yes, bioTiles™ are suitable for limited exposure, outdoor use. This means they can be used for places like patio's, porches and garage floors where there exists a base substrate that is easily upgradable to the new system.

    Additionally, we are busy working to develop other exciting applications for this new technology. So, it would not be surprising to see outdoor implementations in the near future.

  3. Hi! So surprised find this blog, because I'm searching for such type of tiles to see if they are exist or so and how they are produced! does these tiles have usage in labratories where they should be some kind of antibacterias??
