Monday, July 14, 2008

Harnessing the Solar Winds

beautifulScience has revealed a new 10-year plan to seek unique and exciting ways of widening our perspective of employing the mysteries of space for the benefit of all: biological research, materials development, energy research & the intriguing field of planetary geology.

One new program is aimed at harnessing the great power of the Solar winds. Simply put, the solar wind is a powerful stream of highly energized, charged particles ejected from the sun. While we are well protected from the solar wind here on earth, it occasionally produces geomagnetic storms, causing interruptions in electrical power, but is also responsible for the amazing aurorae effect, commonly known as the Northern Lights.

Partnered with a private space-exploration group, BeautifulScience will attempt to harness the power of the Sun's wind from outside our atmosphere, providing an immense and unyielding resource of energy for the benefit of all.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Resident Spotlight: Bruce

(beautifuliving™ resident since 2005)

When Bruce arrived at beautifuliving™, he had felt betrayed by people that he felt close to; People he trusted. After a combination of neuro and bio-therapies, Bruce has regained his joy for life! He is truly happy again.

“I used to put other peoples’ needs before my own. Eventually, it became clear that I was being taken advantage of. I just thought they liked me! Now, it’s all about me. Yes!"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Healthy Sleep

With so many exciting and interesting activities at beautifuliving™, it is no wonder that many of our residents occasionally forget their daily supplements. Generally, however, it is the overall feeling of happiness™ and well being that leads us to miss supplement-time.

Great news! Starting today, we'll never have to think about taking another moment away from our pleasures for our health supplements. Introducing, "Healthy Sleep Linens and Sleepware". This exciting amenity is the result of the combined efforts of our Adaptive Materials, Sleep Technologies and Health & Nutrition Groups.

The best part of "Healthy Sleep Linens and Sleepware" is that you never have to think about using them. While you and your family are happily sleeping, the nanotechnology deep within the fabrics transfer customized nutritional supplements without your ever noticing. And don't worry, their is no risk of using the wrong blanket or PJ's: "Healthy Sleep Linens and Sleepware" know who's skin they're touching and modify themselves accordingly, even for two or more residents at the same time!

"Healthy Sleep Linens and Sleepware" never need laundering as they incorporate the same self-cleaning technology used to keep your homes sparkling clean and fresh! And of course, they're available in the full range of beautifulpalette colors and patterns.